Consulting Services for Professionals

Quick Questions  

Sometimes a full hour of consultation is not necessary and you may just have a “quick question” that you’d like to address. However, answering these questions takes time and consideration.

I do not offer consultation over email  

My Quick Question fee allows for you to get thoughtful answers to your questions in 15 minute segments.

Consultation on Areas of Specialty  

I provide consultation to mental health clinicians or other professionals that find consultation around these areas valuable. Several of the areas I can provide consultation on are the areas of treating anxiety, depression, trauma, and self-esteem. My treatment specialties are depth-psychotherapy, emotion-focused approaches, inner child healing, dream analysis, psychodynamic therapy, and Jungian therapeutic approaches. I also provide business consultation for therapists who are looking support for their private practice.  


Consultation services can happen over video or phone.


  • Hourly Consultation: $400  
  • Quick Question Fee: $100 for segments of 15 minutes or less (30 mins is $200; 45 minutes $300 etc.)  
  • Ongoing Consultation: If you would like to buy a package of four 30 minute consultations, I will offer a discounted rate of $700 in total. Email me for details.


To book your time, please email me at or contact me below